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‘Presse’-ing on to Your Bigger Future after Military Service

In honor of #thankfulThursday today, we wanted to share with you all about an organization we’re extremely grateful for – both for their financial support of ADU and their company’s mission.

JavaPresse was founded by CEO Raj Jana. Like many of us, Raj started off in the corporate world chasing promotions, assuming that was the path to happiness, success, and accomplishment. However, suddenly losing his mentor – who was just three months away from his retirement – was an overnight wake-up call for Raj.

Rather than pushing off all he loved into a future that wasn’t guaranteed, Raj made the decision to start creating his bigger future now. He made more time for things he connected with and started JavaPresse Coffee Company to “make an impact and spread a message he believed in.”

Raj could have had tremendous success climbing the corporate ladder. Instead, he took a risk and dove into entrepreneurship – because that’s what a bigger future looked like for him.

Supporting ADU

What does a coffee company have to do with transitioning service members? When asked why they chose to make a generous donation, Raj, Patch Baker, and the rest of our friends at JavaPresse replied, “We chose to support ADU because we believe in the work that you guys do, and the incredible resources that you’re making available for veterans to integrate back into civilian life. It’s an honor and a privilege to be able to support the cause.”

Many veterans have shared with us how hard it can be to find a career that feels like it has a purpose after serving in the military. Oftentimes, you come from a position that involved you executing tasks where people’s lives literally depended on your job. Working any old job just for the money probably isn’t going to cut it for most veterans or transitioning service members.

That’s why here at American Dream U we provide free resources, live courses, mentorship opportunities, and career connections to support transitioning service members, veterans, and their families in creating their bigger future.

We believe everybody deserves to enjoy the freedoms – such as the freedom to choose your own career path – that the United States has to offer, especially those who have sacrificed so much to preserve that freedom. Transition into the civilian sector is a difficult time for many and individuals can sometimes find themselves without a career or stuck in a position that does not feel purposeful. Thanks to our friends like those at JavaPresse, we’re able to provide meaningful support so members of our military community can do what they love in the here and now.

“You don’t need to make drastic life changes, spend a ton of money, or chase big dreams to feel happy and fulfilled today. You don’t need to push off the things you love until you retire, have enough money, or hit your next big goal. Instead, you can experience extraordinary levels of fulfilment when you choose to make your happiness a priority now.”

Take your first step towards your bigger future today!


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