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5 of the most important tools to make each day a “win”

How you live each day is how you’ll live your life.


So with this logic, in order to have a successful and fulfilling life, you must have successful and fulfilling days. But what does that mean? At the end of each day, if youare satisfied with what you accomplished and physically feel good and healthy, then, in our opinion, that day is a “win.”


At American Dream U we’ve had over 150 of the top business leaders, entrepreneurs, and thought-leaders speak at our 40+ live events. We’ve taken everything they’ve said, and have come up with the top five things we’ve learned on how to make each day a “win.”


  1. Do the most important thing first! coffee
  • Write down the 3-5 things – no more – that are making you most anxious that need to get done. Usually they are on every day’s to-do list that never gets done.


  • For each of those, ask yourself “If this were the only thing I accomplished today, would I be satisfied? If so, mark down “yes.”


  • Look for the items you said yes to.


  • Block out some time, around 1 or 2 hours (one chunk of time! Taking 15 minutes here and 10 minutes there is ineffective) and focus on getting the most important thing done first. Only one thing! If you finish within the one or two hours, then you can go on to the next one.


  • Turn your cell phone on airplane mode, get rid of all other web browsers, and do it. Stop looking at Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter all the time. Make these things a priority, and they will get done.


It’s really not complicated. It’s just being diligent and putting your time and energy into the most important thing.


  1. Reflect


Throughout the day, reflect on the things you’ve learned. Write them down. If you go through your day without digesting the things you’ve learned, thinking critically about them, and taking away something that you learned, then you aren’t improving.


Carry around a small notebook with you that you can fit in your pocket or purse. Have an evernote page specific to this. Be a lifelong learner!


  1. Do some sort of physical activity each day


urlThe power of physical activity on your overall well-being is undeniable. Yes, everyone is busy. This doesn’t mean you have to go the gym every day or run 20 miles a week. If you can get out for a walk, then that’s great. If you can start your day with 20 pushups, and that works for you, then keep doing it! Or maybe it’s throwing the football with some friends. Or going for a hike on the weekends.


Most of our speakers do some sort of intense physical activity at least 3 days a week. Pushing yourself in the gym or on a run, and making it competitive by doing it with friends and family, releases endorphins that have a scientific boost on your mood.


Make it a habit to do something each day!


  1. Be mindful – even if it’s just one breath


Most of our speakers practice some sort of meditation or mindfulness. There’s a lot of preconceived ideas of these sort of practices. But nearly 80% of our speakers talk about how influential it is.


Some practice meditation for 20 minutes twice a day. Some have a gratitude journal in the morning. Some claim that the gym is their meditation. Some go for a 10 minute walk and enjoy the feeling of the wind on their skin or the sun on their face. Some set timers on their phone for every hour, and simply take 2 deep, mindful breaths. Some take cold showers.


Find something that works for you.


  1. Limit Your Social Media Exposure

looking-bad-feature-540x264-social-mediaThis doesn’t mean we want you to delete all of your accounts. But if you’re checking them each 5-10 times a day, or are constantly scrolling through your news feed, it probably isn’t serving you. Social media can have a lot of good to it, but it can also be a negative influence on your life.


Ultimately it creates a “me vs. them” mentality – you start comparing yourself to all of the posts, pictures, and statuses on social media. And when people are posting pictures of themselves skiing in the Alps, or how they just won an award, or defacing a political party because of their beliefs, then most likely more negativity than positivity is entering your life. Think about it and start cutting back.




Phil Randazzo

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