If you never saw a benefit to talking about your business, here are three reasons you should!
It Boosts Confidence
Confidence can be a pretty elusive thing. But without it, it’s all too easy to fall down the black hole of self-doubt and negativity. When your confidence is high you can take on any challenge. Taking 1-3 minute to begin pitching may be difficult now, but with practice you can soon give full presentations with ease.
It Helps Validate Your Ideas
If you do enough research prior to pitching your idea, you may proceed on to taking the action needed to make it happen. However, no one is perfect and there may be blind spots we didn’t plan for. Having a fresh set of eyes and a mind with a unique perspective can help you iron out any flaws or design a whole new concept.
You Can Share Your Ideas without Being Present
It may sound strange but your business idea can ultimately travel to locations you would not have dreamed. This can simply be done by word-of-mouth. It can all begin with your first pitching experience to pretty much anyone you know. If you share a great or even bad idea others would be wiling to share it as well. You could reach customers that you would not have expected to reach.
ADU Business Pitching Programs
American Dream U is offering many opportunities for the military community to present their ideas to some of the greatest leaders and entrepreneurs in the world. There is the Veterans Entrepreneurial Pilot Program and MISSION: START-OPS sign-up for one of these events if you want to put pitching your ideas in the ring!