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MilSpouse Spotlight, Melissa Froehlich

We are pleased to introduce MilSpouse, Melissa Froehlich.  Melissa is a successful entrepreneur and passionate about helping military spouses.  We are certain that her story will inspire you…connect with her to learn more about MilSpouse Remote Work Collective.


Tell us about yourself and your business:  


Hi, I’m Melissa; wife, mom, and entrepreneur.  I’m a Certified Online Business Manager and founder of Melissa Froehlich – Strategic Business Growth and the MilSpouse Remote Work Collective. 


Why did you start your business, and how did you transition from having a career to becoming an entrepreneur?


I started my business so that I would have something sustainable, that I could be proud of and take with me wherever we go.  The backstory: I left a cushy corporate career for love (and thankfully it worked out!) I followed my boyfriend (now husband) across the country when he PCS’d, thinking I’d easily transition into another position based on my experience, skillset, education…you know the story.  Wow, was I naive to the challenges of the military lifestyle, especially when it came to your career. So, after months of unsuccessful attempts to land my next dream job (you’re overqualified, oh, you relocated due to the military, etc. etc.) I started researching what I could do remotely.  Leaving my career behind was hard and I knew I didn’t want to do that ever again. I stumbled upon the concept of being a virtual assistant (I had the skills from my corporate job) so I started researching reputable companies and after a few months, landed my first job. Granted, it was a fraction of what I was making in corporate, but I learned a lot, so for that I am forever grateful – plus, it is what brought me to where I am today.  Three years later, another PCS, a baby and I’m finally surpassing where I was with my corporate career, both financially and professionally. I have a fantastic client roster, a wonderful team (we all work remotely) and have finally started focusing on a passion project – the MilSpouse Remote Work Collective.



How do you feel being a military spouse helped you become an entrepreneur?  


I think it gives me the passion and the drive not to let anything stand in my way.  Being a MilSpouse teaches us about resiliency every single day and this is such a key characteristic of a successful entrepreneur.  


What challenges did you face that you did not anticipate?  


I think the biggest challenge for me was finding the resources I needed, specifically around remote work and how to be successful.  I was frustrated how hard it was to figure out the “how”, which is exactly why I started the MilSpouse Remote Work Collective. I wanted to share what I have learned during my journey so that others could hopefully accelerate their path to success.  I hated that it took me so long to start to feel successful again.


How do you juggle running a business and taking care of your family?  


I try really hard to keep a healthy balance.  I block out my days so that I’m “in the office” from 8-2 and then I’m Mom after that.  I literally put those hours in my client contracts. I have a nanny, but she’s not just a nanny, she’s an essential member of my team. She helps me a lot with the MilSpouse Remote Work Collective and I’m teaching her a lot of skills that will be helpful if/when she decides to work remotely at some point.   The other key to all of this is the fact that I have an incredibly supportive husband who believes in what I do; that’s priceless.


Tell us about your passion to inspire other military spouses.  


I get asked all of the time “what do you do exactly”, “how did you figure out how to find a remote job”, etc. etc.  and I realized there was a real need to share my experiences and the great resources I had found (and continue to find) along the way.   I genuinely love helping others find success; it’s precisely what I do as an OBM with my clients, so it just makes sense.


Best thing you’ve learned so far:  


Build yourself a tribe of really great supportive people who believe in what you do and check in with them regularly.  


If you had one do-over what would it be?  


Take more naps before I became a Mom?  Does that count?


What would you tell a military spouse starting out?  


Put yourself out there; don’t let the fear of the unknown hold you back.  Also, ask for help. Seek out people who are doing what you want to be doing and ask them how they got there.  There are a lot of kind and gracious people who would be happy to give you a leg up.


Rapid Response Questions:

A military spouse is:  Resilient, Savvy, and Incredibly Resourceful

Transition:  is the new norm

Military life is: never dull

Best tool that I use daily is:  I can’t pick just one…so I will go with my top three:  Slack, Asana & Gmail

I couldn’t live without:  Slack, GSuite and Asana

The biggest need for a military spouse is: easy access to great resources, networking, and employment opportunities.

I wish I would have:  known half of what I know now when I first started.  I can’t even imagine where I’d be right now…

Favorite quote or book:  Right now – Traction, by Gino Wickman.  I’m a huge nerd when it comes to entrepreneur and leadership books; always have been.


Website and social media links:

Phil Randazzo


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